Your First Visit at Live Well Family Chiropractic
A visit to Live Well Family Chiropractic is not like going to the doctor, it’s like coming home. Our caring and compassionate team is excited to meet you and help you begin your journey back to wellness.
Here’s what you can expect and how to prepare for your first appointment at our Ajax clinic:
Consultation, History and Examination
Once the paperwork is out of the way, you will meet with Dr. Tara to discuss your health concerns, your history, and potential treatment options. Next, we will perform a series of specialized (non-invasive) tests to identify disorders of the spine, neck, joints and nervous system.
In many cases (excluding pregnant women), we will ask for X-rays to be done to assess any abnormalities or to help diagnose a more serious condition. It gives us a clear picture of your spine, providing invaluable information to help us determine the most effective treatment plan for you.
Follow-up visits
Once the examination is finished, you will be asked to book your next visit within one to two days. During this appointment, you will be provided with a complete Report of Findings, as well as a personalized care plan.
Live Well Family Chiropractic | (905) 683-4371
Before we begin your initial assessment, we have sent some forms to you to fill out, and email back to us, this will make your first visit to the clinic, more efficient. These are forms are require prior to your assessment so Dr. Tara is able to have structured questions for you and your health ready. If you are unable to get these forms to us prior to your visit. We ask that you arrive 20 minutes prior to your scheduled time to fill them out prior to your assessment.
Contact Us
Looking to become a new patient? Send us an email at team@livewellchiro.ca or call us at 905-683-4371 so we able to get some basic information from you. During this call we will also, email some forms for you to fill out and create a patient profile so we are able to welcome you into the office for your first visit.